The Django & MooTools tutorials I promised.

No, they are not here yet, and I havn’t forgotten.  With Django 1.2 being out shortly I decided to redo parts of the site to reflect changes in the framework, some of which were mentioned in a previous post.  I would also like to review all of the new features, some changes and remove anything which will be Deprecated shortly.

I also stated the tutorials would cover MooTools.  Due to the fact I need to learn how to use jQuery in the fairly near future, I’ve decided I will use this for starting.  Granted the tutorials may not be the best, but will be far easier for beginners to understand, being one myself.  I will probably write the same things in MooTools over time as it is (at the moment) still my framework of choice.

One Response to “The Django & MooTools tutorials I promised.”

  1. […] The Django & MooTools tutorials I promised. […]

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